My first book in the New Iceland and Beyond series has now been published. The following 2 books in the series: 1) Descendants in the new world - Icelandic-Canadian Adventures in Winnipeg and Beyond and 2) Descendants in the new world - Entrepreneurial Adventures Worldwide are in preparation and may be combined into a single volume.
The author is a strong proponent of the understanding that the scientific method is the only concept yet devised that has progressed mankind, and will continue, if allowed, to further the progress of decent mankind, and preserve it and its fragile transitory planet from premature extinction. Science is not a belief or dogma but a philosophical methodology designed to search for the truth and nothing but the truth (differentiating it dramatically from religion or politics). Scientists make mistakes, but the scientific method assures that such mistakes will eventually be corrected. Guided by this philosophy, many decades of experience, and a concern for the future of mankind, the author is also preparing a fourth book, a novel (semi-historical fiction) that he is tentatively entitling: Unless - the story of how the endangered planet earth and its denizens might be saved (from themselves).